About Us

Welcome! We are Maria and David, and this is a blog about our happenings, thoughts, and other things you may or may not find interesting.

Our story began about 10 years ago when we met at a YWAM gathering; since then we have traveled, studied, got married, moved around, farmed, and church-ed, just to name a few. We are an Anglo-American couple with a diverse background, now living in Fredericksburg, VA. We also are trying new ways of doing, being and thinking about church. Our main aims in life are to be present (hence ‘a stone in the road’), eat good food, drink good wine, and have good conversations with friends.

David’s specialists subjects are Lord of the Rings related trivia (he actually has a book coming out this year!), networking (in the sense of people, not computers), contemplative wandering, cricket, rugby, and football knowledge between 1989 – 1995.

Maria enjoys thinking, growing things (and especially cooking and eating them), Korean pop culture, and is an addicted obsessed avid kiteboarder.

Come have a look around and join the conversation.

Ps. David’s old Typepad blogs now reside here too.

 In the middle of the road there was a stone
 there was a stone in the middle of the road
 there was a stone
 in the middle of the road there was a stone.

 Never should I forget this event
 in the life of my fatigued retinas.
 Never should I forget that in the middle of the road
 there was a stone
 there was a stone in the middle of the road
 in the middle of the road there was a stone.

     - Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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